Tuesday 20 September 2016

What is love?

No matter who you ask their answers will always differentiate from one another. To some love is the smell of freshly baked pies on a Sunday afternoon, to others, it's a smile after a long day. But what is love to me?

For a long time I never really knew what love was, not truly, to me love had always been the stuff of fairytales, attentive and caring parents who supported you through everything and a boy who would move heaven and earth just to be by your side. As a child, I would watch Disney movies and dream of the future.

On the 23rd of January 2016, I no longer needed to wonder what love was, I was living it. From that first moment standing on those steps when I spotted him walking through the crowd I knew. I knew he was everything I had been searching for. It was clear he was nervous, obviously, so was I. My whole body filled with joy and the biggest smile overwhelmed my face. That day was perfect and the only thing I remember wishing was different was the amount of time we spent together. I was already hooked on this boy. I still am to this day. So you want to know what love is to me? I'll tell you.

Love is the quiver in his voice when he knows I'm upset,
It's the way he gives me a headphone and always seems to play a song about how he's feeling in that moment,
the way he laughs (god I love the way he laughs),
the way he never gets sick of me and all my emotions,
it's how he always put effort into the way his hair looks but it falls flat and I still think he looks perfect,
the way he always wants to know I got home safe,
it's how he never judges me for being scared of the dark and is nothing but helpful,
it's the glimmer of his ocean blue eyes when I'm centimeters away from him'
He's never bothered by my clingyness,
He always knows when my mood changes and he always tries to make it better again.

Love is just him, everything about him from his scent that I adore no matter if he's just woken up or sprayed my favourite aftershave on him to the way he doesn't even know how out of my league he is. He's my everything, my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, my family and overall he is my fairytale.

Monday 15 August 2016

Suicide Squad, Is It Worth The Hype?

If you haven't been living under a rock, you would have most definitely heard of the 2016 blockbuster. Coming from comic book franchise DC, Suicide Squad has been highly anticipated by avid comic readers and layman's alike.

My boyfriend and I being part of the hundred of thousands hyped for this movie set out to be of the lucky few who got to view this cinematic spectacular on opening day. After such a huge hype surrounding Suicide Squad, I was expecting great things.

As the film began I felt such a huge rush of anticipation and excitement, I couldn't wait for a film jam packed of bad-ass villains, following their own rules and creating a cinematic masterpiece in the process. Little did I know I would, in fact, be faced with a terribly edited film filled with huge plot holes you would only be able to understand if you had already read all of the comics.

Whilst to so many this would ruin the film completely for them, I pushed these seemingly huge factors aside in order to see the positives. For example, whilst some characters storylines were practically invisible, those of Harley Quinn and Deadshot were simply magnificent. They gave us context and depth to the characters that made them likable to the audience. Without this, they would have simply just been villains, blackmailed to do the government's dirty work. Which is exactly how the audience viewed the rest of the squad because they simply knew nothing else about them.

The backstory of Harley Quinn (aka Dr. Harleen Quinzel) created such an easy opportunity to adore and pity this poor, lost soul. Her story was also extremely relatable, everyone in their life has experienced a love so deep they would do absolutely anything for the other person and so, on a level, could connect to Harley. In addition to this, the fabulous Margot Robbie portrayed Harley Quinn with such a menacing innocence that there was no way you could have left the theater without being slightly in love with her character.

The backstory of Deadshot (aka Floyd Lawton) also created an opportunity for audience members to empathize with. Although he was a cold blooded assassin, Floyd Lawton was a caring father that would have spent every penny he had to make sure that his little girl leads the perfect life. If anything, all Deadshot ever was, was a dedicated parent that went to a huge extreme for his daughter. To an extent every parent can relate to this character. Will Smith's signature wit and bad-ass style are what completely brings Deadshot alive, along with his experience of being a father, there was no way Smith could go wrong with this role.

But yet again, we come back to the fact we have absolutely no idea about who the rest of the squad are, director David Ayer definitely should have delved deeper into this region of the film. Speaking of decisions Ayer made, lets talk about the casting of the Joker. Some hated Jared Leto's take on the character, some liked it but just couldn't imagine anyone but the legendary Heath Ledger up there, and some adored this new gangster take on such a classic character. Personally, the Joker was hardly in the film so I couldn't even judge if this new take was something to be excited about. But one thing I know for sure, Jared Leto is most definitely not the best actor of the bunch. It's such a shame too, this new Joker could have been iconic but instead, every time he shows his face people in the audience will begin to roll their eyes in dissatisfaction.

So what did you think? Was Suicide Squad really worth the hype?

Sunday 14 August 2016

Conspiracy Theories...

Have you ever really thought about the world and the way it functions? About how there are so many powerful people and so many unanswered questions? I have.

One quick look on google and you'll find numerous theories as to why these things occurred. Some of these theories have become so popular Youtubers with millions of subscribers are making videos on the subject. Take Shane Dawson for example, scroll through his channel for a minute and you're bound to find at least one conspiracy theory video.
Take this one for example, a video full of theories about celebrities. Of course most of these are completely ridiculous and unbelievable, but that doesn't mean all the theories out there are.

One of the theories that I myself believe is The Mandela Effect. This theory entails that we are living in an alternate universe but there are clues left behind from another universe that we can only remember. While the actual explanation for the theory itself is very strange, the evidence to support it is incredibly believable. I'm going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer them truthfully, for this is the best way for me to explain this theory.
  1. Think back to watching Snow White as a child. What does the Evil queen say to the mirror on her wall?
  2. Roughly when do you remember the #PrayForParis attacks happening?                                        
  3. In the all famous Star wars scene, What does Darth Vader say to Luke?                                        
  4. Where did Nelson Mandela Die and in what year?                                                                          
  5. What is the famous line for the movie Jaws?                                                                        
Now whilst these might only be a few examples it should help to prove or disprove this theory to you. Some may answer all these questions as they should be answered but that may not be the case for everyone. Good Luck.
  • The answer to this question is "Magic Mirror on the wall,who is the fairest one of all?" Don't believe me? Here is the proof:
  • The #PrayForParis attacks occurred in November 2015.                                                                   

  • Darth Vader says to Luke "No, I am your father" (skip to around 1;40 for this one.)                      

  • Nelson Mandela died in 2013 (if you were not alive when he was in prison you would most definitely remember it this way.)

  • The famous line is "You're going to need a bigger boat."     

So what do you think? Is the Mandela effect real, or is there some other explanation as to why we all remember these things differently? Please feel free to leave a comment voicing your ideas!

Signing off :)